Hello Fellas! I'm

Owais Ansari,

About Me

You will find a little intro about me and the skills and technologies I use daily.

Want to know me?

As a Full Stack Software Engineer, I specialize in crafting user-centric solutions using technologies like React, Angular, Next.js, Node.js, ASP.NET, SQL and MongoDB.

Currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science at NED University, I possess a deep understanding of software development principles and diverse programming languages.

With experience as a Software Engineer (Remote) in OctDaily, Florida, USA, I contribute to various development aspects, including UI creation with Angular, backend development using C#/.NET, MySQL Server management, bug resolution throughout SDLC, agile project management, team collaboration via Jira, and version control through Azure DevOps.

Contact Me

Skills and Technologies

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • TailwindCSS
  • Styled-components
  • Javascript
  • Typescript
  • React
  • Node.js
  • Express js
  • MongoDB
  • Next.js
  • Git
  • Github
  • Bootstrap
  • C++
  • Python
  • Angular
  • C#
  • On Page SEO
  • Google AdSense
  • Google Analytics


These are some of the projects I built to practice and get better at the technologies mentioned above.

  • Burrakh Group - Empowering Ventures for Unprecedented Success.

    Burrakh Group is multinational company which offer comprehensive solutions for company formation, investment management, global business development, IP solutions, banking, invoice discounting, real estate facilitation, and tax & accounting. Join us in embracing limitless opportunities and achieving remarkable success together.

    • Next.js
    • Node.js
    • Express
    • MongoDB
    • Tailwind CSS
  • Noor Al Zia Electronics - Empowering Industries with Cutting-Edge Technology Solutions.

    Noor Al Zia Electronics is a powerhouse in Industrial Automation and Process Control, boasting a highly efficient workforce dedicated to providing the latest technology solutions to the local industry.

    Developed a ReactJS-based website to showcase their innovative solutions and services.

    Implemented modern UI design using TailwindCSS for enhanced user experience.

    Hosted the website using domain and hosting services from GoDaddy.

    • Reactjs
    • TailwindCSS
  • NED Admission Cell - One-stop shop for students seeking admission to NED University.

    Developed a ReactJS-based website to assist prospective students throughout the NED admission process.

    Utilized SEO best practices to achieve first-page Google ranking for relevant keywords

    Deployed it using GoDaddy domain and hosting services.

    • Reactjs
    • Bootstrap
    • CSS
    • Express
    • MongoDB
    • NodeJS
  • Gennovative Solutions Website - Where Innovation Meets Excellence.

    A website presenting innovative solutions, services, and the collaborative work of a dedicated team.

    • HTML
    • Bootstrap
    • CSS
    • JavaScript

Check out my other cool projects I built over the time.

Check my resume